
Both institutional co-organizers and talented individual volunteers are welcome. Email to learn more about opportunities to help the summit succeed and get to know the community that is a part of it!

CEM Toner profile  Valentina  JeddLewis

Host Professor:

Dr. Mehmet Toner

Professor of Surgery (Bioengineering)

Harvard Medical School

Executive Director:

Valentina Morigi

Chief Financial Officer



Jedediah Lewis

President & CEO

Organ Preservation Alliance


Dr. Gloria Elliott

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

University of North Carolina Charlotte

 Dr. John Bischof
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Minnesota 
 Dr. Greg Fahy
Chief Science Officer
21st Century Medicine
Sebastian Giwa  ChristineReilley    ShannonTessier

Dr. Sebastian Giwa

Chief Executive Officer

Sylvatica Biotech

Christine Reilley

Director, Business Development

American Society of Mechanical Engineers 

Dr. Shannon Tessier

Post-doctoral Fellow, Toner Lab

Harvard Medical School

 AlirezaAbazari RebeccaSandlin  Hussein3 

Dr. Alireza Abazari

Senior Application Scientist

BioLife Solutions, Inc.

Dr. Rebecca Sandlin


Harvard Medical School

Hussein Abdallah

M.S. Student

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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