Hotel Rooms

On-site room rates are $249 - a 42% discount!!! This makes the on-site hotel the least hotel expensive in the area (for Summit participants only), despite being one of the most upscale.[1]


Enjoy close proximity to Boston Common, Boston Harbor, the Boston Opera House, a historic Boston tour, and evening attractions such as cinemas and great restaurants.
Opening day at Harvard Medical School:      Free shuttle transportation will be provided. The Boston Hyatt Regency is also a roughly 15 minute Taxi/Uber/Lyft ride or train ride from the opening day location and hosts the Summit opening reception as well as days 2 and 3.
A limited number of discount rooms are available. For the best Summit experience, reserve a room early while space is still available.
Hyatt Regency Boston
One Avenue de Lafayette
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 02111
Tel: +1 617 912 1234

Enjoy Boston in August

[1] As of Feb. 22, 2017. Hotel prices fluctuate. 
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